Nadanta needs your special talents. On-stage or behind the scenes there is always room for willing hands and enthusiastic supporters. Come and join us.
Volunteer Role Job Descriptions
Dance / Group Managers: Participant management, communications, prop handling etc.
Camp Counselors: Helping at the Dance & Yoga Camp as a Teacher’s aide
Costume Team: Costume decoration & enhancement, costume stitching, costume distribution & collection, and cleaning, organizing/inventory of costumes & jewelry.
Backstage Team: Dance sequence management, Prop/set handling, participant assistants.
Technical Production Team: Set & Prop design and build, Lighting design & setup, Sound.
Marketing / Publicity Team: Flyer development & distribution, media advertising, audience database maintenance, e-mails to audience.
Program Brochure Team: Collect Ads, brochure development, printing & invoice for ads
Volunteer Management Team: Newsletter, clerical and administration, mailings to participants, email & telephone- chain communications, Friends of Nadanta development.
Administration & Management Team
Computer – Internet/Web Development Team: Website design, development & maintenance, web based publicity, e-mails to audience, e-flyer distribution, sale of books, videos, souvenirs.
Fundraising Team: Fund raising strategy development, develop Nadanta Portfolio, apply for corporate, foundation and institutional sponsorships.
Special Projects Team: Specific tasks needed by other teams, transportation to dance programs, special projects e.g.: organize India performance tour, organize costumes.
Tickets Team: Ticket sales & distribution for participants and general, account maintenance.
Box Office & Ushering Team: Ticket sales & distribution, ushering, Nadanta booth/publicity table maintenance.
Contact us via mail or phone:
Nadanta, Inc.
30544 Turtle Creek
Farmington Hills, MI 48331
(248) 661-3580