Hindu Temple of Toledo Sponsors “Erase the Hate” Play (Ohio)

On October 2, 2006 The Toledo Blade reported, “Christians singing, dancing, and praying together with Hindus and Muslims. Mahatma Gandhi leading his followers in a protest against the British tax on salt. The Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., looking out to the crowd and bellowing, ‘I have a dream.’ This was the scene at Lourdes College’s Franciscan Center yesterday, where a Detroit-area performance troupe presented an ensemble of dance, music, dialogue, and historical background reinforcing themes of tolerance and nonviolence. Ahimsa: The Path of Peace, is the brainchild of Nadanta, Inc., a nonprofit organization that features 50 Indian-American performers. The play was sponsored by the Hindu Temple of Toledo as part of the Erase the Hate outreach. Vandita Prasad of Sylvania said it was a performance worth seeing. ‘Because of all the hatred in the world, and all the religious hatred, this is something everyone should see, even if they’re not Indian.’ The play centered around Gandhi’s and King’s nonviolent means of protest through the eyes of Hindu spirits Himsa and Ahimsa, who stand for violence and nonviolence, respectively.”

Full Story:  http://toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20061002/NEWS08/610020366